Saturday, June 21, 2008


My "dear old" dad and me...I love and admire that man. Side note...doesn't he look good in bright pink?

For Father's Day, I sent my dad a "Dear OLD Dad Kit" (the focus was on old man necessities)

Items included:
-Potato gun-For the "kid" in him. My dad never grew up...most men don't.
-Hot and cold pack thingy-For the "old man" aches and pains.
-Ibuprofen-also for the "old man" aches and pains.
-Werther's Hard Candies-The official "old man" candy.
-Ace bandage-For the "I've fallen and I get get up" aftermath.
-Sticky notes-To lessen the "Jeff Redd, M.D." (not M.D. as in "medical doctor," but M.D. as in "memory distorter") moments. Dad loves sticky notes to notate his "to do"/reminder list. One of his greatest talents is that he's a great story teller and likes to embellish/distort the facts to make a better story, but we raz him that he has a memory deficit.
-Uni-ball pens-the famous "Dad" pen. Dad loves those pens.
I love you, Dad!

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