Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Special Delivery

18 months ago
my sis and I were
in the o.c. and
we sent my sis
off to a far off place...
Provo for a short while
and later to Bilbao Spain.

15 months ago
i departed the o.c.
and moved to a far off place...

Tomorrow I will be en route
via a short car ride
from Phoenix to L.A.
to pick up a special someone!

In just a few short hours,
this delivery/special someone will be
en route on a LONG plane ride from
Bilbao to Frankfurt
from Frankfurt to Denver
and from Denver to the final destination,
Los Angeles...

And, at last, our two paths
will cross again in the o.c.
{our old stomping grounds}
far from both of our
new homes away from home...

P.S. {If you can't tell...
I'm SOOO excited to see my sis
and her missionary placa/tag!}


1 comment:

M said...

I'm so excited for you! Have a great time!