Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Test Prep

I just finished my final preparations for my 2 day test at work
{10:30 pm}
for an additional certification.
I have a love/hate relationship with this certification.
I wanta/need to pass it so I don't have to take the 3 day class again,
{and let's be honest, I don't want my pride to be hurt},
but I don't really wanna pass it 'cause it just means that I get
more "difficult"/not so easy claims.

I took the first 1/2 {short answer with lotsa application with lotsa scenarios} today.
It was pretty dang hard!
Not really sure how I did.
Just 4 more hours of testing tomorrow
and then
{BIG, HUGE sigh of relief}

And then I'll sit and wait
for my results
in 90 days!
{reminds me of the SAT/ACT days}!

Then I can party like it's '99 again!

Let the Christmas season begin!

Wish me luck!


M said...

Good luck!

runningfan said...

You'll do great! I hope to see you when I am in town this weekend!

Steve and Connie said...

Good luck!

Em and Russ said...

Good Luck, We ope you can relax while waiting for your results!!!!