Sunday, August 22, 2010


I was on my way home from work Friday night.
Just cruisin' along and
excited for the weekend to start.
I stopped at the red light.
Waited for the light to turn green
Started my right turn...
and then I saw
red and blue flashing lights.
Yup, local law enforcement was
pulling me over.
My mind was racing,
Trying to figure out what I did wrong.
I knew I stopped.
I knew I wasn't speeding.
The cop came to my window
and asked the infamous words,
"Do you know why I pulled you over?"
I honestly had NOOOOOOOO idea!
He then proceeded to tell me that I didn't have
any registration...
only the "month" sticker was on.
No date.
I was puzzled.
I knew for sure I had paid for it
and received it in the mail
s.e.v.e.r.a.l. months back.
I was so confused.
Come to find out
I had received the registration
and never put on the up to '10 sticker!
But in the meanwhile someone had taken
the '09 sticker off!
{How rude!}
which made me extra
easy to catch/notice
when I was stopped at the light
without any sticker!
Yup! I felt a little sheepish!
I escaped
without a citation
{What a relief!}