Thursday, August 7, 2008

Unwanted Visitor

So last night, at midnight, I was locking up the house and turning off all the lights. Out of the corner of my eye I saw a shadow...something moving... and I was a little, I guess you could say {apprehensive}. My roommie is outta town so i was a little extra {jumpy} to have something moving around in my house other than me. At first glance, I thought, "Oh, a cricket." (Crickets are pretty common to find (and hear) around here), but just for fun I turned on the hall light and, lo and behold, I found a SCORPION! Insert huge yelp here! Yup! That's right, one of those arthropods that have stingers...and poisonous venom. Ya! I nearly stepped on it with my bare foot! Don't you worry. I grabbed a cup and flipped it over the unwelcomed creature...and left it there. I just couldn't get myself to smash or excavate it. So pretty much tensed up and uh, couldn't sleep. I was totally creeped out slash hyped up. I'm still walking around my house all guarded and on my tippy toes. Oh I wish I could have been a spider on the wall to watch this all happen. Funny thing is the cup...and the scorpion are still sitting on my floor.

I can handle an occasional cricket and pincher bug, but I sure can't tolerate scorpions or our scurrying friends...cockroaches. I am looking for another roommie, but not an 8-legged one that can make me froth at the mouth, and who just moves in without an invite!

Any cures? Any ways to keep these insecs away? Anyone want new pet?


bryan said...

I think you should do your hairspray and a match thing...that'd be awesome.

granny said...

Oh, ugh, sorry. Welcome to is official now. A big heavy shoe works pretty well. Or call My-dawg. He's home all week. Or I'll come over and whack it for you. I've killed a few in my lifetime.

Malesa said...

Yikes! I'm sorry! We had to deal with his little comrades, the cockroaches, when we first moved to the city. We got rid of them when they sprayed our apartment (and then finally our neighbors too to really kill the deal). Maybe you could spray for scorpions too?

Keri said...

Yuck...I'm shuddering at the thought. I'm sure glad you didn't step on it!!

runningfan said...

What a story! One came out of our bathroom sink once and I just about hit the roof!

Koreena said...

EEEK!!! That would freak me out! Hope you don't have any more!

Holly said...

ooh maybe your backyard would be a good spot for some scorpion hunting!!ya!! hahahaha i'll come hunt em out for ya!

Mark Dixon said...

Have you heard of using black lights and blow torches to find scorpions? We can talk about it Sunday. :)

rachbechep said...

you know. i'm not gonna lie, i'm a little freaked out by scorpions. it makes me itchy to think about.